The objective was to strengthen the relations between the National Health Council and the Ministry of Health the commitment to jointly build public health policies that strengthen the unified Health System (SUS) was highlighted during a meeting held in this Monday (28) between the Board of Directors of the National Health Council (CNS) and the new Minister of Health, Luiz Henrique Mandetta. The objective was to strengthen relations with the Ministry of Health and establish a dialogue to strengthen social control and democratic coexistence among the organs. At the meeting, the present reaffirmed the importance of conducting the two national conferences scheduled for 2019: The 16th National Health Conference (8th + 8) and the 6th National Conference on Indigenous Health (6th cnsi). According to the president of the CNS, Fernando Pigatto, it is necessary that public policies be built jointly. “The CNS is comprised of users, workers, service providers and managers. Therefore, it is not only a part that acts on the board, but all segments together. This is how we are going to act, in a Paritarian way, “he said. Neilton Araújo, National Health Adviser representative of the MS, stressed the importance of a work done in cooperation. “It is the minister’s intention to value, to make a qualification of the management, the application of resources and the results of our work for the health of the Brazilian population,” said Neilton, who is also a member of the CNS’s board of directors. The National health counselors reinforced the importance of the presence of the minister and the new secretaries at the first ordinary meeting of the CNS, scheduled for next Thursday, January 31st. At the meeting, the new directors elected in December will be presented for the mandate to follow until 2021. They also highlighted the importance of the presence of MS representatives in the intersectoral committees of the CNS based on the relationship with technical advisors of the Ministry’s secretariats. “It is necessary to understand the role of each one in the construction of the SUS. With respect to autonomy, we will work on strengthening health policies and defending the rights of the Brazilian people “, evaluated the National Health adviser and member of the Board of Directors of the CNS Jurandi Frutuoso, representative of the National Council of Secretaries of Health (Conarse). The Board of Directors of the CNS had already met, on 17 January, with the Executive Secretary and the new team of the Ministry. The objective was to present the work agenda of the CNS, highlighting the way the Council operates in the 2018-2021 management. Besides the minister, the President of the CNS and the members of the Board of Directors, also attended the meeting João Gabbardo DOS Reis, Executive Secretary of the MS, and Ana Carolina Dantas, Executive Secretary of the CNS.
Source: National Health Council