New president of the box punishes the middle class and says that interest will be on the market in the house

BRASÍLIA (Reuters)-The new president of Caixa Economica Federal, Pedro Guimarães, said on Monday that the interest of housing loans to middle class will be market, and that the rates do not go up in the housing program my house my life for ” Who is poor. ”

Asked if the costs of home financing will be high, he replied that it “depends”.

“I swear I won’t go up to my house my life… I swear to my house my life is for those who are poor, “he said.

“Who’s middle class has to pay more. Or go to Santander, Bradesco, Itaú. At Caixa Economica Federal, will pay higher interest than my home my life, certainly, and will be interest that will be market. Box will respect above all market. Supply and demand law, “he added.

Guimarães also stated that the bank will sell real estate credit portfolios and that Caixa “will become a real estate originator, more than retaining credit on the balance sheet”. According to him, the goal is for Caixa, in the next 10 years, to originate 70% of real estate loans, but to sell a relevant part, which can reach 100 billion reais.

According to Caixa president, securitization will allow Caixa to expand credit in a scenario where fgts and savings resources have limits.

He also stated that the bank can make up to three units capital openings this year, with the security area being the earliest. He mentioned as opening targets, as well as security, card areas, lotteries operations and fund management.

The operation with the asset management of Caixa is the one that will require more time, because it is necessary to create a distributor of securities (DTVM), which requires authorization from the Securities Commission (CVM), Guimarães said.

The funds raised in the operations will help Caixa payable to the union the debt of 40 billion reais that it owns in Ihcds (hybrid Capital instruments and debt).

“I have four years to make this payment and I will. The operations (of the opening of the capital) are already early, we will do at least two this year, maybe three. But at least two is my commitment to the Minister (of Economics) Paulo Guedes, “said the president of Caixa, adding that one of them should occur in the first semester.

In December, prior to the inauguration of the Government of Jair Bolsonaro, the then Secretary of tax monitoring, energy and lottery of the Ministry of Finance, Alexandre Manoel Ângelo da Silva, stated that everything was ready for the auction of the company of Instant lotteries of Cashier, Lotex, in February of this year.


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